vendredi 16 novembre 2012


Call to action on Canadian government approval of bombing of Gaza

Dear Friends of peace in Palestine and Israel,
In the face of another potential slaughter of civilians in Gaza by Israeli occupation forces (IOF), it is regrettable that Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird exhibits a view that Palestinian life is not even worth a mention. CONTINUE READING

ashamed more than ever of Canadian government: Canada backs Israel’s actions

Nov 14 2012 Gaza Under Israel Attack  27898_304572356319375_997056588_n
Just like in 2008-2009, Canada loves it when Israel murders Palestinians:
“The Canadian government said following Wednesday’s rocket attacks that it will continue to support Israel.
“We fundamentally believe that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens from terrorist threats,” Rick Roth, a spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, said in a statement. CONTINUE READING

updates from Gaza under Zionist attacks

*photo of Khan Younis bombing, taken hours ago by Emad Badwan in Deir al Balah
*photo on left: Hussein Amody; photo on right “Samar”
UPDATE: please check RT Gaza under Israeli attack: LIVE UPDATES
I spoke with Joe Catron (@jncatron), who is in Gaza City and gave a summary of what has been happening in the last week and just how these Zionist attacks on Palestinian civilian and children began.
Israel is talking about a protracted operation, primarily airial. I’ve heard anywhere from 6 to 9 casualties in the last hour alone.
Bombs are falling everywhere, at least 20 targets have been hit since around 4 pm (said at 6:40 pm).  I heard the first airstrike today, which was an assassination of Ahmed Al Jabari, (the leader of Hamas’ military wing) somewhere up the coast… I heard it very distinctly from here.
Ranan Arafat, a 4 year old girl was killed, that’s confirmed, also heard possibly a 7 year old but don’t know if that is confirmed or the same girl.
It’s worth remembering that this exchange began over a week ago with the (Zionist army’s) murder of a 13 year old boy who was playing football, and continued with murder of 2 more children playing football and 2 men who came to their rescue CONTINUE READING

Press TV: ‘Israeli crimes against Palestinians have gone unpunished due to Western cover’

Thanks to British activist, Adie Mormech, in Gaza for reporting on the Israeli army assassinations of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
Adie Mormech:
“There was an attack blatantly on civilians.  Two while playing football….then, druing a gathering for the people who were killed, they (the IOF) then bombed the gathering, who were grieving the two children who were (had already been) killed… and 2 (more) people were killed.  It sounded like a scene from the attacks on Gaza before that killed 332 children (in 2008/2009), 38 were injured, all civilians, this was a targeted attack against civilians. And of course the initial attack was on Thursday, against a 13 year old boy, Ahmed Abu Dagga, this was the first attack… These are crimes, these are already crimes, and they are already talking about an escalation of more mass crimes against Gaza. Which kids are going to die tomorrow because of these attacks?”

John Glaser: Israel’s Latest Assault on Gaza: The Lie of Who Started It

Thanks to John Glaser for his compilation, below.  All words his own:
Israel has again attacked Gaza. In its aerial and ground assault that began on Saturday, November 10th, at least 7 Palestinians have been killed, 5 of them civilians, 3 of whom were children. Up to 52 others, including 6 women and 12 children, have been wounded.

One of the wounded is carried into a hospital in Gaza City following Israel’s shelling (Reuters/Mohammed Salem)
As in every vicious military offensive Israel carries out in Gaza, the dominant narrative is that it is a response to rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel. This is how it’s being reported in the US, and this is how virtually every American understands it.
And it’s a lie. CONTINUE READING

Tramadol use no antidote to Israeli siege

*Tramadol pills have become dangerously popular in Gaza as an antidote to the stresses of Israeli occupation. Credit: Emad Badwan/IPS
GAZA CITY, Oct 21 2012 (IPS) – By Eva Bartlett
It’s being taken as an antidote to the stresses of Occupation. But the prevalence of the painkiller Tramadol in the Gaza Strip has more to do with its ease of availability than its singular effectiveness as a reality-numbing substance.
Under siege since early 2006, means of relaxation are scarce, and even some of the most resilient and educated people in the Strip have sought in Tramadol a break from the dire realities of trauma, manufactured poverty and continual stress.
A synthetic drug often prescribed for pain-related ailments, the innocuous pill comes in a second, more potent and potentially lethal variety: the illegal black market kind.
“Every week, we get three or four overdose cases, most of them young men,” says Abu Yousef, 34, a paramedic for over ten years. “Patients are sweaty, delirious, are vomiting, have abdominal pain, and may be hallucinating…it’s morphine after all, it has many side effects.” CONTINUE READING


Fridays in Gaza are like Sundays in Canada in that it’s for some a holy day, most businesses are closed and people not at work, it’s a family day, a rest day.  There are those who work though, farmers and market vendors, small shop owners, taxi drivers…
The day begins for many with an early morning trip to the souk (market), to stock up on the week’s vegetables, fruit, meat and fish, if able to buy these things. With 80% of Gaza’s 1.7 million dependent on food aid, for most the market trips are bare necessities (potatoes, tomatoes, onions) or not at all.
Emad’s father takes it upon himself solely to ensure the house (including all of his sons’ families) is supplied with bathing and washing water.  Via the large, ubiquitous black water tanks on the roofs of almost any Palestinian home, Emad’s father channels water from ground to tank through a series of pumps and hoses. Fridays it is particularly important to ensure there is water, for washing the clothes, the home, one’s self before prayers… CONTINUE READING

Gaza Looks For Work, Not Aid

Selling yoghurt in Gaza in an attempt to make some sort of living.
“The overwhelming majority of people we work with tell us, ‘We don’t want the aid, we want to have an opportunity to work and earn money’. Especially people who had a decent job but lost it in the last many years: before asking for any aid, they ask for a job.”
In his work as Gaza-based communications officer with Oxfam GB, Karl Schembri interacts on a regular basis with some of Gaza’s most impoverished Palestinians, poverty he says is avoidable.
“Gaza cannot be called a humanitarian situation, it’s all man-made. It’s a situation of de-development, where the infrastructure and know-how was there and development was occurring,” he says, referring to the years before 2006 when, after Hamas was democratically elected, Israel imposed its suffocating closure of the Gaza Strip. CONTINUE READING

Gaza Farmers and Fishers Find Canadian Support

Mohammed Al-Bakri from Gaza’s Union of Agricultural Work Committees points out the “no-go” zones for Palestinian fishers and farmers.
Gaza City, IPS- By Eva Bartlett (blog version longer than original published)
“From the coast to eight miles out, the sea is like a desert: it’s sandy and there are no fish.” Mohammed Al-Bakri traces a thick line on the wall map before him, following the lines of Gaza’s eastern and northern borders, continuing south from three miles off the coast.
General manager of Gaza’s Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Bakri is well-versed in the woes of the Strip’s fishers and farmers. He explains the insufficient fishing waters Palestinians are limited to, and the consequences of being on the sea at all.
“The Israeli navy attacks the fishermen, arrests them and takes their boats, CONTINUE READING

notes on Palestine’s preventable water and food crises

*Gaza City life issues graffiti
Gaza is an ancient centre of habitation that has survived for 4,000 years, at various times in the face of marginalisation and destruction. Today it represents an essentially urban economy, isolated and kept alive through external funding, the illegal tunnel economy, and the ingenuity and persistence of its people.” –UN press release, Aug 2012
Water facts from the Aug 2012 UN report (Gaza in 2020: a livable place?) on the steady decimation of Gaza and its rapid plunge to being an (even more) “unlivable place”:
-Gaza’s coastal aquifer may become unusable by 2016 and damage to it irreversible by 2020 CONTINUE READING

On the killing of Vik Vittorio Arrigoni

*(photo from 2011) monument to “Vik” Vittorio Arrigoni, Italian justice and peace a

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