lundi 26 octobre 2015

he other benefit to eating less red meat

Marion Nestle is a sociology professor and Paulette Goddard professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University. She is also an author, most recently of "Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning)." She blogs at
(CNN)The just-released report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer judging processed meat as clearly carcinogenic and red meat as probably carcinogenic has caused consternation among meat producers and consumers.
Meat producers do not like the "eat less meat" message. Consumers do not want to give up their bacon and hamburgers -- delicious and also icons of the American way of life.
Marion Nestle
But these judgments should come as no surprise to anyone. Eating less processed and red meat has been accepted dietary advice since Ancel and Margaret Keys wrote their diet book for heart disease prevention, "Eat Well and Stay Well," in 1959. Their advice: "restrict saturated fats, the fats in beef, pork, lamb, sausages ..." They aimed this advice at reducing saturated fat to prevent heart disease. Federal committees and agencies have continued issuing such heart-disease advice to the present day.
Cancer entered the picture in the 1970s, when scientists began to link red meat -- beef, pork, lamb -- to the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum. Even after several decades of research, they had a hard time deciding whether the culprit in meat was fat, saturated fat, protein, carcinogens induced when meat is cooked to high temperatures or some other component.
In the mid-1990s, dietary guidelines committees advised eating lean meats and limiting intake of processed meats, still because of their high fat content. By the late 1990s, cancer experts said that red meat "probably" increases the risk of colorectal cancers, and "possibly" increases the risk of cancers of the pancreas, breast, prostate and kidney. The IARC report, based on more recent evidence, makes even stronger recommendations and favors carcinogens as the causative factors.
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds
10 photos: What nutritionists choose at McDonalds

La viande Rouge responsable ?

"If you must have something more "traditional" at McD's, opt for a regular burger patty and swap out the fries for a side salad with low fat vinaigrette dressing. Otherwise, I'd choose the Premium Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken." <br />-- <a href="" target="_blank">Katherine Brooking</a>, M.S., R.D.
Les amateurs de charcuterie et de viande rouge devraient modérer leurs habitudes alimentaires. La consommation de ces produits transformés (jambon, saucisson…) serait néfaste pour la santé. Une étude publiée ce lundi par le centre international sur le cancer, un organisme dépendant de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a classé les produits de la charcuterie “cancérogènes” pour l’homme. Quant aux viandes rouges (porc, veau…) elles ont été classées comme “probablement cancérogènes”. Pour le docteur Kurt Straif, du CIRC, c’est en combinant plusieurs études (800 au total) qu’une augmentation de 17% de cancers colorectaux a été observée si l’on consomme 50 grammes de viande transformée par jour. “Ce risque est désormais quasi similaire pour la viande rouge” précise le chercheur même si pour la viande rouge le lien de cause à effet “n’est pas encore assez clairement démontré”.

Le niveau de risque pour le tabagisme reste dix fois plus grand que le risque associé à la consommation de viande transformé

La publication des ces études médicales a été rapidement contesté par les milieux industriels. Ces derniers évoquent d’autres études qui ne montrent pas de corrélation entre la consommation de viande et le risque de cancer.
Le docteur Dana Loomis, chercheur à l’agence internationale de recherche sur le cancer apporte néanmoins cette précision importante : “les viandes transformées ont été classées comme cancérogènes comme d’autres substances bien connues telles que le tabac et l’amiante (ou la pollution de l’air), mais il est important de reconnaître que ces classifications se rapportent à la solidité des preuves scientifiques pour la cancérogénicité et non pas au niveau des risques à proprement parler. A ce stade le niveau de risque pour le tabagisme reste dix fois plus grand que le risque associé à la consommation de viande transformée par exemple. “

Tags : breast cancer, cancer symptoms, lung cancer,lung cancer,red meat

En Japan : le "Pedopornographie du manga fait un grand debat


    By Elmi Mohamed Elmi 

En sait que le manga , ces dernier temps n'est plus le meme dans les années 1995, comme Dragon Ball Z (sur twitter une enorme critique dans la facon le studio a realise la serie Animation Ball Z 2015) ,  des photo explicits , avec des petits filles 14 ou 13 ans des grand seins Nue , meme viole , ce qui fait augmente le chiffre d'affaire de l'univers manga seulement en japon. 

Plus detaille Dans AFP : 

dimanche 25 octobre 2015

login to see all results Of McDonalds


Une histoire de Injustement Fired McDonalds travailleur

Hier soir , moi et mon équipe de blogueur , en n'avait visite un ancien travailleur chez l'entreprise Macdonald Corporation l'une les plus grandes chaînes de restauration rapide du monde, servant autour de 69 millions de clients chaque jour. 

L'histoire d'un  ami , qui a été congédiée injustement au McDonalds récemment parce que son patron reçu des courriels dans lesquels les gens parlaient bien à son sujet. Elle a été congédiée parce que ces e-mails ont été constitués; cependant, elle ne le faisait pas. Quand mon ami est allé chez elle, elle a découvert que son collègue était jaloux d'elle et cette fille est l'une derrière la scène. Mon ami a contacté son patron au sujet de la jeune fille qui ont nui à mon ami. Quand mon ami m'a dit qu'elle a des éléments techniques qui montrent que cette fille est l'une derrière la scène, le gestionnaire n'a pas écouté. Et il garde encore le diable. 

Tags : self employed mortgage loans, login to see all results 

moisturizers on the Internet

The Best Moisturizers For Your Face and Body

Here’s everything you need for complete skin protection

Friday, October 23, 2015, 1:01 pm

  • Illustration by
    Justin Miller
    1 / 22

  • Photo courtesy of
    Yes To Carrots

    FACE: Repairing

    1 / 22

  • Photo courtesy of
    Recipe for Men

    FACE: Deep Moisturizing

    1 / 22

                   of the editors here at Men's Health asked his father what he used for a moisturizer, here’s
                      " his dad said. "It's called shaving cream."
Ah, the good old days, when real men didn’t moisturize. (And sometimes ended up with a healthy Keith Richards glow.) We know better today.
We also know that moisturizing isn’t just vital for your face. The skin under your eyes couldn’t be more different than the skin on your arms or legs. It all has different needs, and requires different products.
Related: Foods That Are Good For Your Skin
It can get a little confusing. But we’re here to help you navigate the options and select the right moisturizers for all of your skin needs.

Russia retreats to autarky as poverty looms

Russia retreats to autarky as poverty looms

Vladimir Putin is falling back on Soviet-era self-reliance as oil wealth evaporates and sanctions cut off vitally-needed technology

A 1948 propaganda poster showing Stalin surrounded by admirers and reading 'Long live the Komsomol generation!'
A 1948 propaganda poster showing Stalin surrounded by admirers and reading 'Long live the Komsomol generation!' Photo: Alamy
Russia is running out of money. President Vladimir Putin is taking a strategic gamble, depleting the Kremlin's last reserve funds to cover the budget and to pay for an escalating war in Syria at the same time.

“Our policies are not frozen. They adapt to circumstances”
President Vladimir Putin
The three big rating agencies have all issued alerts over recent days, warning that the country's public finances are deteriorating fast and furiously. There is no prospect of an oil revival as long as Saudi Arabia continues to flood the market. Russia cannot borrow abroad at a viable cost.
Standard & Poor's says the budget deficit will balloon to 4.4pc of GDP this year, including short-falls in local government spending and social security. The government has committed a further $40bn to bailing out the banking system.
Deficits on this scale are manageable for rich economies with deep capital markets. It is another story for Russia in the midst of a commodity slump and a geopolitical showdown with the West. Oil and gas revenues cover half the budget.
"They can't afford to run deficits at all. By the end of next year there won’t be any money left in the oil reserve fund," said Lubomir Mitov from Unicredit. The finance ministry admits that the funds will be exhausted within sixteen months on current policies.
Alexei Kudrin, the former finance minister, said the Kremlin has no means of raising large loans to ride out the oil bust. The pool of internal savings is pitifully small.
Any attempt to raise funds from the banking system would aggravate the credit crunch. He described the latest efforts to squeeze more money out of Russia's energy companies as the "end of the road".
Mr Kudrin resigned in 2011 in protest over Russia's military build-up, fearing that it would test public finances to breaking point. Events are unfolding much as he suggested.
Russia is pressing ahead with massive rearmament, pushing defence spending towards 5pc of GDP and risking the sort of military overstretch that bankrupted the Soviet Union.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said the military budget for 2014 rose 8.1pc in real terms to $84bn as the Kremlin took delivery of new Su-34 long-range combat aircraft and S-400 surface-to-air missile systems.
It is to rise by another 15pc this year, led by a 60pc surge in arms procurement. This is an astonishing ambition at a time when the economy is in deep crisis, contracting by 4.6pc over the last twelve months.
Mr Putin pared back the plans earlier this year but has since restored the original target, telling a VTB Capital forum this week that the economy has hit bottom and "things are looking up."
Diplomats say the reality is that wars in Syria and Ukraine are eating into the budget. Cruise missiles are not cheap.
Mr Putin knows he cannot count on oil and gas any longer, belatedly recognizing that shale technology in the US threatens to cap crude prices for a decade or more, and has effectively destroyed Russia's petro-power business model.

"Oleg Deripaska, chief of the aluminium group Rusal, said it is wishful thinking to suppose that a cheap rouble can kick-start an economy caught in a tangle of red-tape, crying out for root-and-branch reform and the rule of law"
The Kremlin has gone back to the drawing board, working from the Spartan assumption that oil will remain stuck at $50 a barrel for the next three years.
It could be even worse. Russia's central bank warned in a report that it may take $30 oil to stop the US shale juggernaut.
The central bank’s “risk scenario” talks of a new era of sub-$40 crude that would entrench the current depression. “Under these conditions, GDP could fall by more than 5pc in 2016,” it said.
Mr Putin claims to have an ace up his sleeve: Russia will fall back on industrial self-reliance and import substitution. “Our policies are not frozen. They adapt to circumstances,” he said.
The Kremlin is launching a radical plan to slash imports across twenty key sectors within five years, ranging from heavy machinery to electrical engineering, photonics, cars, tractors, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food.
The targets are drastic. Reliance on foreign farm and forestry machinery is to be cut by 56pc, food processing by 53pc, and engineering equipment by 34pc. State procurement contracts will be steered to companies that produce in the country, whether or not they compete on quality.
But the switch-over costs money that the government does not have. Viktor Semenov from the Belaya Dacha Group said his agro-conglomerate is raking in big subsidies to grow lettuces in the Siberian heartland of Novosibirsk, relying on heated greenhouses to fight temperatures of minus 20 degrees.
"We're building 250 hectares of hothouses a year on my farms," he said. Whether it makes sense is anybody's guess. The same vegetables could be imported more cheaply from Turkey.
Trade experts are already shaking their heads. Such a reflex usually means a country is going badly off the rails, though Germany pulled it off with macabre success in the 1930s. “In most of the cases I have known import substitution policies have failed. They degrade the economy," said Pascal Lamy, former head of the World Trade Organisation.
Russia has pockets of excellence - currently on display in the Syrian theatre - but the engineering and industrial base of the Soviet era has largely been hollowed out by an overvalued rouble during the commodity boom.

It has been a textbook case of the Dutch Disease. Many of the best engineers and technicians have emigrated in a chronic brain-drain. Russian economists say it is far from clear whether the country can suddenly pirouette and manufacture the machines itself.
Vladislav Inozemtsev, from the Center for Post-Industrial Studies in Moscow, said the likely outcome is a retreat into autarky and pauperised decline, ending in withdrawal from the global trading system. “This way leads us towards a quasi-Soviet economy detached from the world and, at the same time, proud of its autarky; towards a deteriorating economy which compensates for the drop in living standards with pervasive propaganda,” he wrote.
Mr Putin is counting on a 50pc devaluation since early 2014 to restore lost competitiveness and ignite a manufacturing renaissance. Having presided over a destructively-strong rouble for a decade, he has now embraced the virtues of a weak currency with the zeal of the converted.
Oleg Deripaska, chief of the aluminium group Rusal, said it is wishful thinking to suppose that a cheap rouble can kick-start an economy caught in a tangle of red-tape, crying out for root-and-branch reform and the rule of law.

“We should stop looking at the exchange rate and give some thought to the economic policy we really need. Nobody is going to borrow at 12pc in hard currency to invest,” he said.
The chief effect has been to shrink the Russian economy in global terms. “GDP was $2.3 trillion at the peak. It is now $1.2 trillion, and I fear we are going back to the level of 1998 when it was $700bn,” he said.
This would be smaller than Holland ($850bn) or half the size of Texas ($1.4 trillion), a remarkable state of affairs for a country vying for superpower military status in Europe and the Middle East.
Igor Sechin, the head of oil giant Rosneft, said devaluation is a false strategy, adding sarcastically that if it was so good to halve the rouble from 30 to 60 against the dollar, why not just keep going and push it all the way to 100. “That would be a dream wouldn’t it?” he said.
In a sense, Mr Putin has little choice. He cannot afford burn through foreign reserves to defend the rouble. They have already fallen from $520bn to $371bn. Standard & Poor's said two-fifths of this money is ear-marked for other functions and cannot be deemed "usable".

“We are rapidly approaching the fateful mark where of 50pc of the average Russian family's income will be spent on food. We have again become a country of poor people"
Ivan Starikov, the former deputy economy minister
These reserves look large on paper but are near the minimum safe levels needed to uphold confidence and to cover foreign debt redemptions of Russian companies, running at $12bn to $15bn a quarter.
What is clear is that Russia’s attempt to reinvent itself as an industrial tiger will take years to bear fruit, if it is possible at all. The early evidence is dismal, though Ford has announced that it will start building engines for the Fiesta later this year at its Russian joint venture in Elabuga.
Non-energy exports plunged by 25pc in the third quarter. “This is a vivid illustration of the economy’s deep recession and lack of competitiveness,” said Eldar Vakhitov from BNP Paribas.
“Theoretically, rouble weakness should have supported competitiveness of non-oil exports; in reality, it did not help at all,” he said. Russia's capital stock is so badly eroded that the devaluation may leak into price rises and 'stagflation' without boosting output.
Elvira Nabiullina, the central bank governor, said the floating rouble had acted as “shock absorber” when the crisis hit. It is a pre-condition for recovery, but is not enough in itself without deep reform. “We have to swallow the bitter pill,” she said.

What is disturbing is that companies have seen a rise in windfall profits of almost 40pc this year from devaluation but investment has dropped by 6.7pc. They are paying off debt and battening down the hatches instead. “Why are they not investing? This is the main question for economic policy in Russia,” she said at the VTB Capital forum.
Polls suggest that Mr Putin remains popular but the full force of the crisis has only started to hit home, and he can no longer keep putting off the choice between guns and butter. Real incomes have dropped by 9.8pc over the last year. Food prices have jumped 17pc.
Ivan Starikov, the former deputy economy minister, said the true inflation rate is near 30pc. “We are rapidly approaching the fateful mark where of 50pc of the average Russian family's income will be spent on food. We have again become a country of poor people,” he said.

vendredi 23 octobre 2015

A-League: Wellington v Brisbane, Sydney Derby live blog, live coverage and videos

A-League: Wellington v Brisbane, Sydney Derby live blog, live coverage and videos

Michael McGlinchey's pearler free kick0:38

A-League: Michael McGlinchey produced this stunning stunning free kick to equalise at 1-1 against Brisbane.
ANOTHER bumper A-League Matchday Saturday, has got off to the perfect start but now it’s time for the main event — the Sydney Derby.
Wellington Phoenix edged Brisbane Roar 3-2 in an entertaining early game but attention now turns to Sydney FC v Western Sydney Wanderers, on Fox Sports 505 from 7.00pm AEDT.
MATCH CENTRE: Video, stats and information for Sydney v Western Sydney Wanderers
Sydney FC will host the winless but promising Western Sydney Wanderers at a packed Allianz Stadium, albeit tifo-less after some pre-Derby drama.
You can also follow all the action throughout the day via our live blog below ...

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Secret Game Kill By playstation

Secret Game Killer Queen (and it's PC counterpart "Depth Edition") is a revival of FLAT's doujin game "Killer Queen". The story places you as Souichi Mitsurugi. A young man who has woken up in an abandoned building with no memory of how he got there, and a PDA with the picture of the Ace playing card. When you start up, you will have a choice between 4 Episodes that unlock as you beat the previous one. Although it is a kinetic (or linear) Visual Novel, it has some interesting bonusues. One of these is the BET system which allows you to bet money on a Chapter to see who lives and who dies in the current Episode. With the money you buy Music and CG scenes. Back to the story; you soon discover that you are not alone in this mess, there are 12 other people who join you in the murder game, and not all of them are very friendly.
Sakumi Himehagi-One of the main heroines of the game. She is an innocent girl who is frightened easily. She plays also a major part in Souichi's backstory because of her resembleance to an old childhood friend.

Reika Yahata: Another heroine. She is a college student who is smart on her feet. Being one to never tust anyone, se will kill without batting an eye if it means her survival.

Nagisa Kidou: Third heroine. She seems like a kluts and acts very innocent. But behind this innocence is a strong woman who can think under fire. From the flashbacks in Ep. 3 it seems like she's already played this game...

Karin Houjouu: Fourth Heroine. She participates in the game for her little sister who requires expensive medical treatments. The cash prize however, dosen't excuse her cruel nature when handed a gun. You can only play her route in Ep. 3-B

Yuuki Shikijou: The fifth and final heroine. She is a small girl and may seem dumb, but she is a genious and tends to notice things others overlook. The Game has a strong connection to her....

Kouta Takayama: A simple man. He is perhaps the most unbiased character in the game, he will work with whoever so long as it is to serve him on his end. Kouta is a powerful ally and and even greater enemy.

Yoshimitsu Tezuka: A part-time construction worker. He only lives for excitement and for the chance to kill people in cold blood without any ppunishment, you know he will take it. Perhaps one the the most persistent antagonists.

Yuuju Nagasawa: A teenage boy. He tries to be like the adults and talks high of himself, but God help you if you call him a kid. When Karin isn't killing him usually you'll have something to do with his death...

Mayumi Gouda: A businesswoman. She is cold and heartless who has been known to kill for a promotion. Is actually one of the organizers of the Game.

Katsumi Hazuki: A father and businessman. Since being a dad has increased his protective instinct, he always seen guarding someone. He is drawn to Sakumi since she resembles his daughter.

Gonzou Urushiyama:A perverted fat man. Not much to say on him since he's always dead or dying when you meet him.

Fumika Rikushima: A computer company girl. She is the "shipper" of the game and will constantly mock you and the heroine of the Episode's relationship. Is seen hurt most of the time.

By the time you finish the Prologue of Ep. 1 you should have access to the PDA. The PDA contains the rules of the game, the rules are as follow:
A: Kill the owner of the Queen, any method is applicable.
2: Destroy the JOKER PDA.
3: Kill 3 people. Destroying the neckband is not applicable.
4: Obtain 3 other neckbands. Any method is applicable. You can decapitate the person, or wait until the enckband is removed by satisfying the rule.
5: Go through all 24 checkpoint within the province. The checkpoints are located on the PDA map.
6: The JOKER PDA has to be activated at least 5 times. It does not have to be activated by yourself, it does not ahve to be activatec close by.
7: Meet with all other players after 6 hours has passed since the game began. If the player is dead, it does not apply.
8: Destroy 5 PDA's within a 5 meter radius. If a 6th one is destroyed, the neckband will be activated.
9: Kill all other players. Any method is applicable.
10: 5 neckbands have to be activated, and the 5th one has to be activated within 2 days and 23 hours after the game has begun.
J: The person you were with for at least 24 hours has to be alive after 2 days and 23 hours after the game has started.
Q: Survive for 2 days and 23 hours.
K: Collect at least 5 PDAs, any method is applicable.

Failure to meet the above requirements for the Card will result in the collar activating, aka InstaKill.

By the time you reach the end in any given arc, you should feel satisfied by the end since all the plot holes get filled in, so a generaized happy ending.

BTW: If you have the PC version, after completing all 4 episodes you unlock the Privilege section which contains commentary from the characters and voice-actor bloopers.

Har allerede planlagt for nedrykk: Mjøndalen-spillere raser ned i lønn

Har allerede planlagt for nedrykk: Mjøndalen-spillere raser ned i lønn

<p>SPILLER FOR NY KONTRAKT: Christian Gauseth fortviler under oppgjøret mot Stabæk (1-4) på Isachsen stadion i høst. <br/></p>
By Elmi Mohamed Elmi

Et Mjøndalen-nedrykk kommer neppe til å koste klubben så mye, men spillerne vil merke det på lommeboken. For i klubben der spillerne «får lønn som fortjent» venter det lønnstrekk ved et eventuelt – og forventet – nedrykk.
– Det skjer automatisk, sier Mjøndalen-trener og markedsmedarbeider Vegard Hansen til VG noen timer før avspark mellom Start og Mjøndalen i Kristiansand.
LIVE: Start-Mjøndalen kl. 19.00
Mjøndalen-profilen Christian Gauseth har avslørt overfor VG at opprykket til Tippeligaen fikk løftet bruttmånedslønnen fra 19.000 til 27.000 kroner. Gauseths kontrakt varer ut 2016-sesongen.
– Vi har to budsjetter klare, ett for OBOS-ligaen og ett for Tippeligaen-ligaen. Et nedrykk vil gi oss litt lavere inntekter. Strategien er klar – og den blir kastet ut så raskt vi eventuelt rykker ned, sier Hansen, uten frykt for å ta «nedrykk»-ordet i sin munn.
LES OGSÅ: Slik er lønnssystemet i Mjøndalen
– Vi ser på oss selv som et lag på øvre halvdel av OBOS-ligaen, men vi har fått smaken på Tippeligaen. Vi har gjort feil, vi har lært mye – og vi har lyst å prøve oss igjen. Nivået har ikke vært avskrekkende, mener han.

«Likbleke og angstfylte»

Mens en og annen nordmann lesser på med fredagstaco, starter alvoret på Sør Arena klokken 19.00 i kveld. Start, som ligger på kvalikplass, har 21 poeng. Mjøndalen, som ligger på direkte nedrykksplass, har 20 poeng.
Det er unødvendig å minne om at taperen ligger syltynt an.
Starts supporter-blogger André Vaaler beskriver sine likesinnede i gult og sort som «likbleke og angstfylte» før kveldens lagnadskamp.
– En åpen kamp mellom to jevngode, eller jevndårlige lag. Vi har tunge tide bak oss, både vi og Start. Styrkeforholdet er jevnt, men Start har hjemmebanefordel, sier Vegard Hansen.
– Har Start et ekstra press på seg?
– Ja, det tror jeg faktisk. Byen er større, klubben er større og konsekvensen for å rykke ned er mye større. Det vet hele Kristiansand.

<p>IKKE BEKYMRET: Mjøndalen-trener Vegard Hansen. <br/></p>
IKKE BEKYMRET: Mjøndalen-trener Vegard Hansen.
Foto: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt, NTB scanpix

«To jevndårlige lag» er en beskrivelse som er innenfor når man ser på formtallene. Mjøndalen har fire poeng på de ti siste kampene. Start har to.
– Vi hadde ikke regnet med å holde plassen. Vi forventet å ligge der vi ligger, og er glad for at vi får en ekstra mulighet, sier Mjøndalen-sjefen.
VG-børsen viser at Mjøndalen har brukt heler 27 spillere denne sesongen.
– Det viktige var å gi alle mulighet til å spille i Tippeligaen (etter opprykket). Det var hele tiden intensjonen å gjøre justeringer i sommervinduet. Vi forventet ikke at alle skulle ta nivået. Det gikk syv stykker ut, og vi fikk inn fart og ferdigheter. I tillegg fikk vi noe langsiktige avtaler, som Ousseynou Boye og Amahl Pellegrino. Alt gikk ikke som planlagt, så vi ble litt mange.
SOLSKJÆR: – Jeg er ikke den samme gutten
– Det mest skjebnesvangre var å miste Vamouti Diomande. Han er vår klart mest kreative spiller, og den som kan skape ubalanse ved å drible folk.